
13 years 11 months ago
Celerina - A Generative Music System Using Aesthetical Reduction Applied to Simple Cellular Automata
Celerina is the software core of a realtime system for dynamic music generation. Several one-dimensional binary cellular automata generate melodic patterns that are subsequently r...
John Flury, Daniel Bisig
13 years 11 months ago
Evaluating WordNet Features in Text Classification Models
Incorporating semantic features from the WordNet lexical database is among one of the many approaches that have been tried to improve the predictive performance of text classifica...
Trevor N. Mansuy, Robert J. Hilderman
13 years 11 months ago
Deverbal Nouns in Knowledge Representation
Deverbal nouns pose serious challenges for knowledgerepresentation systems. We present a method of canonicalizing deverbal noun representations, relying on a rich lexicon of verb ...
Olga Gurevich, Richard S. Crouch, Tracy H. King, V...
13 years 11 months ago
An Artificial Neural Network for a Tank Targeting System
In this paper, we apply artificial neural networks to control the targeting system of a robotic tank in a tank-combat computer game (RoboCode). We suggest an algorithm that not on...
Hans W. Guesgen, Xiao Dong Shi
13 years 11 months ago
Evolving Keys for Periodic Polyalphabetic Ciphers
A genetic algorithm is used to find the keys of Type II periodic polyalphabetic ciphers with mixed primary alphabets. Because of the difficulty of the ciphertext only cryptanalysi...
Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde
13 years 11 months ago
Improving Case-Based Recommendations Using Implicit Feedback
A recommender system suggests items to a user for a given query by personalizing the recommendations based on the user interests. User personalization is usually done by asking us...
Deepak Khemani, Mohamed A. K. Sadiq, Rakesh Bangan...
13 years 11 months ago
Modeling Bayesian Networks for Autonomous Diagnosis of Web Services
We took an innovative approach to service level management for network enterprise systems by using integrated monitoring, diagnostics, and adaptation services in a service-oriente...
Haiqin Wang, Guijun Wang, Alice Chen, Changzhou Wa...
13 years 11 months ago
Efficient Bids on Task Allocation for Multi-Robot Exploration
We propose a real time single item auction based task allocation method for the multi-robot exploration problem and investigate new bid evaluation strategies in this domain. In th...
Sanem Sariel, Tucker R. Balch
13 years 11 months ago
Uncertainty Reasoning in Description Logics: A Generic Approach
Description Logics (DL) are gaining more popularity as the foundation of ontology languages for the Semantic Web. As most information in real life is imperfect, there has been an ...
Volker Haarslev, Hsueh-Ieng Pai, Nematollaah Shiri