
13 years 9 months ago
The Operational Annotation and the Analysis of the Correlative Coordination in French
Despite extensive theoretical work carried out on coordination during the last three decades, much research is still devoted to proving the merits of one model over another. In ou...
Ismaïl Biskri, Marc André Rochette
13 years 9 months ago
Handling Qualitative Preferences Using Normal Form Functions
Reasoning about preferences is a major issue in many decision making problems. Recently, a new logic for handling preferences, called Qualitative Choice Logic (QCL), was presented...
Salem Benferhat, Daniel Le Berre, Karima Sedki
13 years 9 months ago
Deriving Chronological Information from Texts through a Graph-Based Algorithm
We propose a method of deriving chronological order of events in natural language texts by constraining temporal boundaries associated to events and projecting them on a timeline....
Cosmin Adrian Bejan
13 years 9 months ago
Fuzzy Temporal Relations for Fault Management
In this paper we shall introduce an approach that forms a basis for temporal data mining. A relation algebra is applied for the purpose of representing simultaneously dependencies...
Hanna Bauerdick, Björn Gottfried
13 years 9 months ago
Accessing XML Documents Using Semantic Meta Data in a P2P Environment
XGR (XML Data Grid) and BabelPeers are both data management systems based on distributed hash tables (DHT) that use the Pastry DHT to store data and meta data. XGR is based on the...
Dominic Battré, Felix Heine, André H...
13 years 9 months ago
The Reflexive System Inference Engine: A Tool to Use Metaknowledge
This article deals with how metaknowledge can improve rule-based system and presents a new Reflexive System Inference Engine (RSIE) which not only enables the activation of rules,...
Yann Barloy, Jean-Marc Nigro
13 years 9 months ago
Probabilistic Interactive Installations
We present a description of two small audio/visual immersive installations. The main framework is an interactive structure that enables multiple participants to generate jazz impr...
Constance G. Baltera, Sara B. Smith, Judy A. Frank...
13 years 9 months ago
Pattern-Constrained Test Case Generation
In this paper we present a novel approach for patternconstrained test case generation. The generation of test cases with known characteristics is usually a non-trivial task. In co...
Martin Atzmüller, Joachim Baumeister, Frank P...
13 years 9 months ago
Interpretive Reasoning with Hypothetical Cases
Reasoning with hypothetical cases helps decision-makers evaluate alternate hypotheses for deciding a case. The hypotheticals demonstrate the sensitivity of a hypothesis to apparen...
Kevin D. Ashley