The discovery of frequent patterns is a famous problem in data mining. While plenty of algorithms have been proposed during the last decade, only a few contributions have tried to...
Frequent itemsets mining is well explored for various data types, and its computational complexity is well understood. Based on our previous work by Nguyen and Orlowska (2005), th...
Frequent itemset mining assists the data mining practitioner in searching for strongly associated items (and transactions) in large transaction databases. Since the number of frequ...
Mining frequent patterns such as frequent itemsets is a core operation in many important data mining tasks, such as in association rule mining. Mining frequent itemsets in high-di...
Frequent itemsets mining is a popular framework for pattern discovery. In this framework, given a database of customer transactions, the task is to unearth all patterns in the for...
Srivatsan Laxman, Prasad Naldurg, Raja Sripada, Ra...
We study the problem of finding frequent itemsets in a continuous stream of transactions. The current frequency of an itemset in a stream is defined as its maximal frequency ove...
Data mining refers to the process of revealing unknown and potentially useful information from a large database. Frequent itemsets mining is one of the foundational problems in dat...
In this paper, we consider a novel scheme referred to as Cartesian contour to concisely represent the collection of frequent itemsets. Different from the existing works, this sche...
Computing frequent itemsets and maximally frequent itemsets in a database are classic problems in data mining. The resource requirements of all extant algorithms for both problems...
Ganesh Ramesh, William Maniatty, Mohammed Javeed Z...
The paper presents a method for pruning frequent itemsets based on background knowledge represented by a Bayesian network. The interestingness of an itemset is defined as the abso...