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Machine learning, data mining, and several related research areas are concerned with methods for the automated induction of models and the extraction of interesting patterns from ...
er is an extended abstract of my paper [12] published in Fuzzy Set and Systems. We start from a residuated lattice L and a monoid M, and we define a Galois connection from the lat...
It seems that a suitably constructed fuzzy sets of natural numbers form the most complete and adequate description of cardinality of finite fuzzy sets.(see [11]) Nevertheless, in...
We consider a digital fuzzy set placed in Oxyplane, with support which is a set of digital points (centroids) in Z2 . We consider two kinds of convexity of a fuzzy set, namely qua...
In this paper, the interest of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in the context of databases is presented. It is shown that these " notions provide an homogeneous framework f...
The combination of fuzzy set and rough set theories lead to various models. Functional and set approaches are two categories based on different fuzzy representations. In this pape...
Abstract. When the time span of an event is imprecise, it can be represented by a fuzzy set, called a fuzzy time interval. In this paper we propose a representation for 13 relation...
Steven Schockaert, Martine De Cock, Etienne E. Ker...
The algebra of truth values for fuzzy sets of type-2, due to Zadeh, contains as subalgebras those of type-1 and of interval-valued fuzzy sets. It also contains many other interest...
In this paper enhancement of a digital image is done by detecting the noisy and noiseless region of the image. The noisy regions are smoothed and the noiseless regions are sharpen...