In this paper we present a novel scale invariant interest point detector of blobs which incorporates the idea of blob movement along the scales. This trajectory of the blobs throug...
Abstract. A new approach is proposed to recover the relative magnitude of Gaussian curvature from three shading images using neural network. Under the assumption that the test obje...
A variational formulation of an image analysis problem has the nice feature that it is often easier to predict the eect of minimizing a certain energy functional than to interpret...
This paper describes a new method to recover the sign of the local Gaussian curvature at each point on the visible surface of a 3-D object. Multiple (p > 3) shaded images are a...
Shinji Fukui, Yuji Iwahori, Akira Iwata, Robert J....
Methods for the analysis of images of the same scene taken under three different lighting conditions are illustrated. A technique that separates the effects of geometry and surfac...
Matching and registration of shapes is a key issue in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Medical Image Analysis. This paper presents a shape representation framework based ...