In evolutionary algorithms a common method for encoding neural networks is to use a tree-structured assembly procedure for constructing them. Since node operators have difficulties...
In a series of papers [3-8], Daida et. al. highlighted the difficulties posed to Genetic Programming (GP) by the complexity of the structural search space, and attributed the probl...
The colour of colon tissue, which depends on the tissue structure, its optical properties, and the quantities of the pigments present in it, can be predicted by a physics-based mod...
This paper presents the multi-objective evolutionary optimization of three-dimensional geometry represented via constructive solid geometry (CSG), a binary tree of boolean operatio...
We are interested in schema disruption behavior when chromosomes are structured as binary trees. We give the definition of the disruption probability dp(H) of a schema H, and also...
Finding a good wavelet for a particular application and type of input data is a difficult problem. Traditional methods of wavelet deus on abstract properties of the wavelet that ca...
Abstract. Choosing representations and operators that preserve locality between genotype and phenotype space is an important goal in EA design. In the GA literature there has been ...
Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are population-based heuristic search methods that use probabilistic models of good solutions to guide their search. When applied to co...