Background: Chow and Liu showed that the maximum likelihood tree for multivariate discrete distributions may be found using a maximum weight spanning tree algorithm, for example K...
David Edwards, Gabriel C. G. de Abreu, Rodrigo Lab...
Background: Contrary to the traditional biology approach, where the expression patterns of a handful of genes are studied at a time, microarray experiments enable biologists to st...
Qicheng Ma, Gung-Wei Chirn, Joseph D. Szustakowski...
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) is one of the most powerful tools for global gene expression profiling. It has led to several biological discoveries and biomedical appli...
This paper addresses the protein classification problem, and explores how its accuracy can be improved by using information from time-course gene expression data. The methods are ...
Antonina Mitrofanova, Samantha Kleinberg, Jane Car...
Abstract--Finding differentially expressed genes is a fundamental objective of a microarray experiment. Recently proposed method, PPLR, considers the probe-level measurement error ...
- With the lowering cost and the increasing discoveries, genomics research filed has materialized personal genome era. Especially, microarray gene expression platform has already m...
Changwon Keum, Ju Han Kim, Young Soo Song, Kyoung ...
Several microarray technologies that monitor the level of expression of a large number of genes have recently emerged. Given DNA-microarray data for a set of cells characterized b...
Gene expression of a cell is controlled by sophisticated cellular processes. The capability of inferring the states of these cellular processes would provide insight into the mech...
Using gene expression data to classify tumor types is a very promising tool in cancer diagnosis. Previous works show several pairs of tumor types can be successfully distinguished...
Chen-Hsiang Yeang, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Pablo Tamayo...
We are designing new data mining techniques on boolean contexts to identify a priori interesting bi-sets (i.e., sets of objects or transactions associated to sets of attributes or ...