
188views Computer Vision» more  NAR 2011»
13 years 6 months ago
The Gene Expression Barcode: leveraging public data repositories to begin cataloging the human and murine transcriptomes
Various databases have harnessed the wealth of publicly available microarray data to address biological questions ranging from across-tissue differential expression to homologous ...
Matthew N. McCall, Karan Uppal, Harris A. Jaffee, ...
13 years 7 months ago
Biological pathway inference using manifold embedding
Disease occurs due to aberrant modulation of biological pathways. Identification of activated gene pathways from gene expression data is an important problem. In this work, we de...
Arvind Rao, Alfred O. Hero
159views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
GeneSigDB - a curated database of gene expression signatures
The primary objective of most gene expression studies is the identification of one or more gene signatures; lists of genes whose transcriptional levels are uniquely associated wit...
Aedín C. Culhane, Thomas Schwarzl, Razvan S...
189views more  NAR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Serial Expression Analysis: a web tool for the analysis of serial gene expression data
Serial transcriptomics experiments investigate the dynamics of gene expression changes associated with a quantitative variable such as time or dosage. The statistical analysis of ...
María José Nueda, José Carbon...
125views more  JMLR 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
On utility of gene set signatures in gene expression-based cancer class prediction
Machine learning methods that can use additional knowledge in their inference process are central to the development of integrative bioinformatics. Inclusion of background knowled...
Minca Mramor, Marko Toplak, Gregor Leban, Tomaz Cu...
13 years 10 months ago
Errors in CGAP xProfiler and cDNA DGED: the importance of library parsing and gene selection algorithms
Background: The Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) xProfiler and cDNA Digital Gene Expression Displayer (DGED) have been made available to the scientific community over a decade...
Andrew T. Milnthorpe, Mikhail Soloviev
13 years 10 months ago
Statistical Test of Expression Pattern (STEPath): a new strategy to integrate gene expression data with genomic information in i
Background: In the last decades, microarray technology has spread, leading to a dramatic increase of publicly available datasets. The first statistical tools developed were focuse...
Paolo G. V. Martini, Davide Risso, Gabriele Sales,...
13 years 10 months ago
A novel approach to the clustering of microarray data via nonparametric density estimation
Background: Cluster analysis is a crucial tool in several biological and medical studies dealing with microarray data. Such studies pose challenging statistical problems due to di...
Riccardo De Bin, Davide Risso
13 years 10 months ago
GCOD - GeneChip Oncology Database
Background: DNA microarrays have become a nearly ubiquitous tool for the study of human disease, and nowhere is this more true than in cancer. With hundreds of studies and thousan...
Fenglong Liu, Joseph White, Corina Antonescu, John...
125views more  BMCBI 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
ProbFAST: Probabilistic Functional Analysis System Tool
Background: The post-genomic era has brought new challenges regarding the understanding of the organization and function of the human genome. Many of these challenges are centered...
Israel T. da Silva, Ricardo Z. N. Vêncio, Th...