In The Institute for Genomic Research Rice Genome Annotation project (, we have continued to update the rice genome sequence with new data and improve the qua...
Shu Ouyang, Wei Zhu, John A. Hamilton Jr., Haining...
Background: The structure annotation of a genome is based either on ab initio methodologies or on similaritiy searches versus molecules that have been already annotated. Ab initio...
Nunzio D'Agostino, Alessandra Traini, Luigi Frusci...
Background: The Complete Arabidopsis Transcript MicroArray (CATMA) initiative combines the efforts of laboratories in eight European countries [1] to deliver gene-specific sequenc...
Gert Sclep, Joke Allemeersch, Robin Liechti, Bj&ou...
Background: Most gene finders score candidate gene models with state-based methods, typically HMMs, by combining local properties (coding potential, splice donor and acceptor patt...
Qian Liu, Koby Crammer, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Da...
This paper presents an algorithm for combining pattern recognition-based exon prediction and database homologysearch in gene model construction. Thegoal is to use homologousgeneso...