The spatial clustering of genes across different genomes has been used to study important problems in comparative genomics, from identification of operons to detection of homologo...
Background: Thermophilic organisms are able to live at high temperatures ranging from 50 to > 100°C. Their proteins must be sufficiently stable to function under these extreme...
Background: As the number of fully sequenced genome increases, the need is greater for bioinformatics to predict or annotate genes of a newly sequenced genome. Ever since Eisenber...
Background: Despite a remarkable success in the computational prediction of genes in Bacteria and Archaea, a lack of comprehensive understanding of prokaryotic gene structures pre...
Huaiqiu Zhu, Gang-Qing Hu, Yi-Fan Yang, Jin Wang, ...
Background: A widely-used approach for discovering functional and physical interactions among proteins involves phylogenetic profile comparisons (PPCs). Here, proteins with simila...
Background: An important goal of comparative genomics is the identification of functional elements through conservation analysis. Phylo-HMM was recently introduced to detect conse...
Background: Systematic genome comparisons are an important tool to reveal gene functions, pathogenic features, metabolic pathways and genome evolution in the era of post-genomics....
Background: The rapidly increasing speed with which genome sequence data can be generated will be accompanied by an exponential increase in the number of sequenced eukaryotes. Wit...
Evan S. Snitkin, Adam M. Gustafson, Joseph C. Mell...
Background: In Eukaryotic genomes, different features including genes are not uniformly distributed. The integration of annotation information and genomic position of functional D...
Alessandro Coppe, Gian Antonio Danieli, Stefania B...
Background: Automated comparison of complete sets of genes encoded in two genomes can provide insight on the genetic basis of differences in biological traits between species. Gen...