Abstract: File-sharing in mobile networks has differing demands to a P2P architecture. Resource access and mediation techniques must follow constraints given in 2.5G/3G networks. E...
Frank-Uwe Andersen, Hermann de Meer, Ivan Dedinski...
Abstract: Softwarevisualisierung und Algorithmenanimation sind wichtige Hilfsmittel der Informatikausbildung. Daher schlagen wir eine Interaktionsunterstützung zur aktiven Steueru...
Nelson A. Baloian, Henning Breuer, Wolfram Luther,...
: In this paper we describe one of the authors’ experiences working for an IT service provider in an SME environment. The paper starts with an analysis of the factors typical for...
Abstract: In this paper we ask the question how much does the neighborhood selection process of a P2P protocol such as Gnutella respect the underlying Internet topology.
Vinay Aggarwal, Stefan Bender, Anja Feldmann, Arne...
: The number of information sources in the Web is growing day by day with a tremendous speed. At the same time, users tend to manage more and more tasks electronically, thereby usi...