: Most game interfaces restrict the player to a place in front of the computer screen. In mixed reality applications the point of interaction seems to be moving away from technical...
: Refactoring und Testen bilden wesentliche Bausteine des Extreme Programming. In diesem Beitrag wird der konzeptionelle Zusammenhang zwischen beiden Praktiken herausgearbeitet. In...
: Drahtlose Netzwerke nach dem Wireless LAN Standard IEEE 802.11 sind heute in immer gr¨oßeren Bereichen im Einsatz. Trotz der vorhandenen HandoverF¨ahigkeit zeigt sich, dass in...
: Since the advent of Gnutella, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocols have matured towards a fundamental design element for large-scale, self-organising distributed systems. Many research e...
The model driven development is an interested area among software engineers as well as the agile development. In fact, combining model driven and agile practices is an interesting ...
: This paper proposes CARUSO – a new SoC approach that emphasizes Connectivity, Autonomic/Organic computing principles, Real-time, and Ultra-low power requirements. The requireme...
: When traveling and visiting new places, tourists are mobile as they wander around and follow tours through cities and landscapes. Location-based mobile systems today typically pr...