Abstract: Model-based development has an increasing importance in modern software engineering and other domains. Visual models such as Petri nets and UML diagrams proved to be an a...
Abstract: Voter privacy and verifiability are fundamental security concepts for electronic voting. Existing literature on electronic voting provides many definitions and interpreta...
Lucie Langer, Axel Schmidt, Melanie Volkamer, Joha...
: This paper presents the principles of concept-driven engineering and the ConceptManager tool as an implementation of these principles. Concept-Driven Engineering is capable of el...
: Large traffic network systems require handling huge amounts of data, often distributed over a large geographical region in space and time. Centralised processing is not then the ...
Lyudmila Mihaylova, Amadou Gning, Viktor Doychinov...
: Managing general game playing is the problem addressed in this paper. It is considered to be done on a game description written in a declarative language. The language, which is ...
: Today software systems have to face frequent requests for change during their whole lifetime. It is very important that they can adapt to the frequently changing needs and are fl...
Abstract: Contracts are a proven tool in software development. They provide specifications for operations that may be statically verified or dynamically validated by contract mon...
: The Out-of-Home (OOH) media markets currently rely on a plethora of methods and technologies for measuring their potential or real success. From nationwide interviews over statis...