
116views more  GPEM 2008»
14 years 4 days ago
An Eigen analysis of the GP community
The coauthorship and coeditorship relations as recorded in the genetic programming bibliography provide a quantitative view of the GP community. Eigen analysis is used to find the ...
William B. Langdon, Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzha...
82views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Shortcomings with using edge encodings to represent graph structures
There are various representations for encoding graph structures, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and circuits, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here we analyz...
Gregory Hornby
127views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
A hierarchical particle swarm optimizer for noisy and dynamic environments
New Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) methods for dynamic and noisy function optimization are studied in this paper. The new methods are based on the hierarchical PSO (H-PSO) and a...
Stefan Janson, Martin Middendorf
80views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Unbounded evolutionary dynamics in a system of agents that actively process and transform their environment
Abstract. Bedau et al.'s statistical classification system for long-term evolutionary dynamics provides a test for open-ended evolution. Making this test more rigorous, and pa...
Alastair Channon
117views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Introducing lateral thinking in search engines
Abstract. Too much information kills information. This common statement applies to huge databases, where state of the art search engines may retrieve hundreds of very similar docum...
Yann Landrin-Schweitzer, Pierre Collet, Evelyne Lu...
97views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Evolving recursive programs by using adaptive grammar based genetic programming
Genetic programming (GP) extends traditional genetic algorithms to automatically induce computer programs. GP has been applied in a wide range of applications such as software ree...
Man Wong
161views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Solving differential equations with genetic programming
A novel method for solving ordinary and partial differential equations, based on grammatical evolution is presented. The method forms generations of trial solutions expressed in an...
Ioannis G. Tsoulos, Isaac E. Lagaris
89views more  GPEM 2006»
14 years 18 days ago
Morphological algorithm design for binary images using genetic programming
This paper presents a Genetic Programming (GP) approach to the design of Mathematical Morphology (MM) algorithms for binary images. The algorithms are constructed using logic opera...
Marcos I. Quintana, Riccardo Poli, Ela Claridge