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Let G be the set of finite graphs whose vertices belong to some fixed countable set, and let ≡ be an equivalence relation on G. By the strengthening of ≡ we mean an equivalen...
We study graph properties which are testable for bounded degree graphs in time independent of the input size. Our goal is to distinguish between graphs having a predetermined grap...
Graphs are among the most frequently used structures in Computer Science. In this work, we analyze how we can express some important graph properties such as connectivity, acyclic...
Many real world datasets are represented in the form of graphs. The classical graph properties found in the data, like cliques or independent sets, can reveal new interesting info...
Abstract. This report presents a generic filtering scheme, based on the graph description of global constraints. This description is defined by a network of binary constraints and ...
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Sophie Demassey...
We prove new results on evasiveness of monotone graph properties by extending the techniques of Kahn, Saks, and Sturtevant [Combinatorica, 4 (1984), pp. 297–306]. For the propert...
This paper shows that existing definitions of costs associated with soft global constraints are not sufficient to deal with all the usual global constraints. We propose more expre...
In decision tree models, considerable attention has been paid on the effect of symmetry on computational complexity. That is, for a permutation group Γ, how low can the complexit...
Abstract. This report presents a basic scheme for deriving systematically a filtering algorithm from the graph properties based representation of global constraints. This scheme i...
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Thierry Petit, Guillaume Rocha...
Abstract. This article presents a database of about 200 graph invariants for deriving systematically necessary conditions from the graph properties based representation of global c...
Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Jean-Xavier Ram...