
13 years 11 months ago
A scalability study of web-native information visualization
Several web-native information visualization methods (SVG, HTML5's Canvas, native HTML) are studied to contrast their performances at different data scales. Using Java implem...
Donald W. Johnson, T. J. Jankun-Kelly
13 years 11 months ago
Geometric displacement on plane and sphere
This paper describes a new algorithm for geometric displacement mapping. Its key idea is that all occluded solutions for an eye ray lie in two-dimensional manifolds perpendicular ...
Elodie Fourquet, William Cowan, Stephen Mann
13 years 11 months ago
Order and entropy in picture passwords
Previous efforts involving picture-based passwords have not focused on maintaining a measurably high level of entropy. Since password systems usually allow user selection of passw...
Saranga Komanduri, Dugald Ralph Hutchings
13 years 11 months ago
Effects of avatar's blinking animation on person impressions
Blinking is one of the most important cues for forming person impressions. We focus on the eye blinking rate of avatars and investigate its effect on viewer subjective impressions...
Kazuki Takashima, Yasuko Omori, Yoshiharu Yoshimot...
13 years 11 months ago
Interactive 3D facial expression posing through 2D portrait manipulation
Sculpting various 3D facial expressions from a static 3D face model is a process with intensive manual tuning efforts. In this paper, we present an interactive 3D facial expressio...
Tanasai Sucontphunt, Zhenyao Mo, Ulrich Neumann, Z...
13 years 11 months ago
The effects of co-present embodiments on awareness and collaboration in tabletop groupware
David Pinelle, Miguel A. Nacenta, Carl Gutwin, Tad...
13 years 11 months ago
A GPU-friendly method for high dynamic range texture compression using inverse tone mapping
In recent years, High Dynamic Range Textures (HDRTs) have been frequently used in real-time applications and video-games to enhance realism. Unfortunately, HDRTs consume a conside...
Francesco Banterle, Kurt Debattista, Patrick Ledda...
13 years 11 months ago
Evaluation of techniques for visualizing mathematical expression recognition results
We present an experimental study that evaluates four different techniques for visualizing the machine interpretation of handwritten mathematics. Typeset in Place puts a printed fo...
Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Anamary Leal, Timothy S. Mi...
13 years 11 months ago
Background estimation from non-time sequence images
We address the problem of reconstructing the background of a scene from a set of photographs featuring several occluding objects. We assume that the photographs are obtained from ...
Miguel Granados, Hans-Peter Seidel, Hendrik P. A. ...
13 years 11 months ago
PNG1 triangles for tangent plane continuous surfaces on the GPU
Improving the visual appearance of coarse triangle meshes is usually done with graphics hardware with per-pixel shading techniques. Improving the appearance at silhouettes is inhe...
Christoph Fünfzig, Kerstin Müller, Diann...