Despite their numerous applications, efficiently rendering participating media remains a challenging task due to the intricacy of the radiative transport equation. While numerical...
Vincent Pegoraro, Mathias Schott, Steven G. Parker
There are a number of challenges associated with content selection in pen-based interfaces. Supplementary buttons to enter a selection mode may not be available, and selections ma...
We present an approach to convert a small portion of a light field with extracted depth information into a cinematic effect with simulated, smooth camera motion that exhibits a se...
Ke Colin Zheng, Alex Colburn, Aseem Agarwala, Mane...
This paper describes how mixed reality (MR) technology is applied in the urban renewal process to help mixed groups of stakeholders collaboratively construct, explore and discuss ...
When editing a graphical document, it is common to apply a change to multiple items at once, and a variety of tools exist for selecting sets of items. However, directly selecting ...
We introduce a haptic mousewheel as a platform for design exploration of haptic conviction widgets. Conviction is how strongly one wants to do something, or how strongly one desir...
Sketch recognition is the automated recognition of hand-drawn diagrams. When allowing users to sketch as they would naturally, users may draw shapes in an interspersed manner, sta...