
111views Education» more  TITB 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Using heterogeneous wireless sensor networks in a telemonitoring system for healthcare
Ambient intelligence has acquired great importance in recent years and requires the development of new innovative solutions. This paper presents a distributed telemonitoring system...
Juan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo, Dante I. Tapia, Aji...
97views more  TIT 2008»
14 years 10 days ago
Adaptive Coding and Prediction of Sources With Large and Infinite Alphabets
The problem of predicting a sequence x ; x ; . . . generated by a discrete source with unknown statistics is considered. Each letter x is predicted using the information on the wor...
Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola, Alexander Gammerman
83views more  IJKL 2007»
14 years 11 days ago
Managing intellectual capital: the MIC matrix
: Knowledge assets represent a special set of resources for a firm and as such, their management is of great importance to academics and managers. The purpose of this paper is to r...
Carla Curado, Nick Bontis
115views Business» more  BIS 2009»
14 years 1 months ago
From Research to Business: The Web of Linked Data
The last decade of research in the Web field gave a great importance to the studies about the Semantic Web. The idea of a Web of Data is now becoming more and more popular also out...
Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Dario Cerizza
232views Algorithms» more  CIAC 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
Multicut Algorithms via Tree Decompositions
Various forms of multicut problems are of great importance in the area of network design. In general, these problems are intractable. However, several parameters have been identifi...
Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran
93views Hardware» more  ISCAS 1994»
14 years 4 months ago
The Dynamic Locking Heuristic - A New Graph Partitioning Algorithm
In layout design nding e ciently good solutions to the hypergraph bipartitioning problem is of great importance. This paper introduces a new algorithm, the dynamic locking algorit...
Achim G. Hoffmann
14 years 5 months ago
Database Support for Exploring Criminal Networks
Understanding the data gathered thus far in a criminal investigation is of great importance, particularly in terms of guiding its future course. One established method of comprehen...
M. N. Smith, Peter J. H. King
14 years 6 months ago
A Multi-agent System Architecture for the Adaptation of User Interfaces
Nowadays the design of user interfaces has become a discipline of great importance in Software Engineering, mainly due to the increasing impact that a high quality user interface h...
Víctor López-Jaquero, Francisco Mont...