We consider the least-square regression problem with regularization by a block 1-norm, that is, a sum of Euclidean norms over spaces of dimensions larger than one. This problem, r...
Group lasso is a natural extension of lasso and selects variables in a grouped manner. However, group lasso suffers from estimation inefficiency and selection inconsistency. To re...
The group Lasso is an extension of the Lasso for feature selection on (predefined) non-overlapping groups of features. The non-overlapping group structure limits its applicability...
We develop a novel online learning algorithm for the group lasso in order to efficiently find the important explanatory factors in a grouped manner. Different from traditional bat...
Haiqin Yang, Zenglin Xu, Irwin King, Michael R. Ly...
Given a pair of images represented using bag-of-visual words and a label corresponding to whether the images are “related”(must-link constraint) or “unrelated” (must not li...