Abstract—In this paper, we propose a distributed key management framework based on group signature to provision privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Distributed key man...
In some practical circumstances, the ability of a signer should be restricted. In group signature schemes, a group member may be allowed to generate signatures up to a certain numb...
Jung Yeon Hwang, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Jo...
The group signature scheme [1], ACJT for short, is popular. In this paper we show that it is not secure. It does not satisfy exculpability. The group manager can sign on behalf of ...
The concept of group signature allows a group member to sign message anonymously on behalf of the group. In the event of a dispute, a designated entity can reveal the identity of a...
In this paper we construct a practical group blind signature scheme. Our scheme combines the already existing notions of blind signatures and group signatures. It is an extension o...
A group signature scheme allows a group member to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the group. However, in the case of a dispute, the identity of a signature’s originator ca...
Giuseppe Ateniese, Jan Camenisch, Marc Joye, Gene ...
Several new group signature schemes have been proposed in recent years. In addition, several applications for group signatures (including electronic cash) have been suggested. A ne...
A group signature scheme allows a group member of a given group to sign messages on behalf of the group in an anonymous and unlinkable fashion. In case of a dispute, however, a des...
Guilin Wang, Feng Bao, Jianying Zhou, Robert H. De...
Constructing practical and provably secure group signature schemes has been a very active research topic in recent years. A group signature can be viewed as a digital signature wit...
Abstract. This work presents a new privacy primitive called “Traceable Signatures”, together with an efficient provably secure implementation. To this end, we develop the unde...