

Digital Signature Schemes with Restriction on Signing Capability

14 years 6 months ago
Digital Signature Schemes with Restriction on Signing Capability
In some practical circumstances, the ability of a signer should be restricted. In group signature schemes, a group member may be allowed to generate signatures up to a certain number of times according to his/her position in the group. In proxy signature schemes, an original signer may want to allow a proxy signer to generate a certain number of signatures on behalf of the original signer. In the paper, we discuss signature schemes, called c-times signature schemes, that restrict the signing ability of a signer up to c times for pre-defined value c at set-up. We formally define the notion and the security model of c-times signature schemes. In fact, c-times signature schemes can be classified into two types according to restriction features: one with an explicit limitation, called a c-times signature scheme, and the other with an implicit limitation, called an implicit c-times signature scheme. We present two instances of implicit c-times signature schemes and then give proofs of the s...
Jung Yeon Hwang, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Jo
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Jung Yeon Hwang, Hyun-Jeong Kim, Dong Hoon Lee, Jong In Lim
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