Many large-scale online services use structured storage to persist metadata and sometimes data. The structured storage is typically provided by standard database servers such as Mi...
action-Based Quality Estimate Stefan Ratschan Jan-Georg Smaus Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at Freiburg July 3, 2009 1 / ...
Abstract. This paper extends dynamic symbolic execution to distributed and concurrent systems. Dynamic symbolic execution can be used in software testing to systematically identify...
Andreas Griesmayer, Bernhard K. Aichernig, Einar B...
The method contract and loop invariant rules (contract rules) are an important software verification technique for handling method invocations and loops. However, if a verificati...
Safety and security are claimed major concerns by the formal FoCaL development environment. In [7] we introduced a safety development cycle customised to FoCaL. In this paper, we e...