We propose a new approach to collision and self– collision detection of dynamically deforming objects that consist of tetrahedrons. Tetrahedral meshes are commonly used to repre...
Matthias Teschner, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias M&...
Lately, hash function security has received increased attention. Especially after the recent attacks that were presented for SHA-1 and MD5, the need for a new and more robust hash...
Hashing is fundamental to many algorithms and data structures widely used in practice. For theoretical analysis of hashing, there have been two main approaches. First, one can ass...
We present a collision attack on the hash function HAS-160 reduced to 53-steps. The attack has a complexity of about 235 hash computations. The attack is based on the work of Cho e...
MD4 is a hash function introduced by Rivest in 1990. It is still used in some contexts, and the most commonly used hash function (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2) are based on the design princip...
The aim of this paper is to advocate a new software-oriented hash function family based on the HAIFA framework of Biham and Dunkelman, inheriting built-in randomized hashing and hi...
At Crypto 2007, Joux and Peyrin showed that the boomerang attack, a classical tool in block cipher cryptanalysis, can also be very useful when analyzing hash functions. They applie...
Hash functions are an important building block in almost all security applications. In the past few years, there have been major advances in the cryptanalysis of hash functions, es...
Abstract. We develop a new generic long-message second preimage attack, based on combining the techniques in the second preimage attacks of Dean [8] and Kelsey and Schneier [16] wi...
Elena Andreeva, Charles Bouillaguet, Pierre-Alain ...
In this paper, we examine the resistance of the popular hash function SHA-1 and its predecessor SHA-0 against dedicated preimage attacks. In order to assess the security margin of ...