
133views Healthcare» more  IHI 2010»
13 years 6 months ago
Heuristic evaluation of persuasive health technologies
Persuasive technologies for promoting physical fitness, good nutrition, and other healthy behaviors have been growing in popularity. Despite their appeal, the evaluation of these ...
Julie A. Kientz, Eun Kyoung Choe, Brennen Birch, R...
13 years 6 months ago
Heuristics for Systems Engineering Cost Estimation
Abstract—Engineering cannot wait until all phenomena are explained. Engineers may work effectively, often for centuries, with heuristics. This paper provides thirty one heuristic...
Ricardo Valerdi
175views more  ANOR 2011»
13 years 6 months ago
Integrated exact, hybrid and metaheuristic learning methods for confidentiality protection
A vital task facing government agencies and commercial organizations that report data is to represent the data in a meaningful way and simultaneously to protect the confidentialit...
Fred Glover, Lawrence H. Cox, Rahul Patil, James P...
104views more  EOR 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
New solution methods for single machine bicriteria scheduling problem: Minimization of average flowtime and number of tardy jobs
We consider the bicriteria scheduling problem of minimizing the number of tardy jobs and average flowtime on a single machine. This problem, which is known to be NP-hard, is impor...
Fatih Safa Erenay, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Aysegül...
13 years 9 months ago
HumanBoost: Utilization of Users' Past Trust Decision for Identifying Fraudulent Websites
In this paper, we present an approach that aims to study users' past trust decisions (PTDs) for improving the accuracy of detecting phishing sites. Generally, Web users requir...
Daisuke Miyamoto, Hiroaki Hazeyama, Youki Kadobaya...
13 years 9 months ago
Game Usability Heuristics (PLAY) for Evaluating and Designing Better Games: The Next Iteration
Game developers have begun applying formal human-computer interaction (HCI) principles in design. Desurvire et al [2] adapted a set of Heuristics for productivity software to games...
Heather Desurvire, Charlotte Wiberg
13 years 9 months ago
The Dynamics of Two Cognitive Heuristics for Coordination on Networks
Abstract--This paper is about how groups solve global coordination problems such as the distributed graph coloring problem. We focused on scenarios in which agents are not able to ...
Iyad Rahwan, Fatemeh Jahedpari, Sherief Abdallah
13 years 9 months ago
Continuous Search in Constraint Programming
This work presents the concept of Continuous Search (CS), which objective is to allow any user to eventually get their constraint solver achieving a top performance on their proble...
Alejandro Arbelaez, Youssef Hamadi, Michèle...
13 years 10 months ago
Heuristic Planning with SAT: Beyond Uninformed Depth-First Search
Abstract. Planning-specific heuristics for SAT have recently been shown to produce planners that match best earlier ones that use other search methods, including the until now dom...
Jussi Rintanen
97views more  SCHEDULING 2008»
13 years 11 months ago
Effective on-line algorithms for reliable due date quotation and large-scale scheduling
We consider the sequencing of a series of jobs that arrive at a single processor over time. At each job's arrival time, a due date must be quoted for the job, and the job must...
Philip Kaminsky, Zu-Hsu Lee