Abstract. The heavy-tailed phenomenon that characterises the runtime distributions of backtrack search procedures has received considerable attention over the past few years. Some ...
The structured programming literature provides methods and a wealth of heuristic knowledge for guiding the construction of provably correct imperative programs. We investigate the...
A key factor that can dramatically reduce the search space during constraint solving is the criterion under which the variable to be instantiated next is selected. For this purpos...
The current best conformant probabilistic planners encode the problem as a bounded length CSP or SAT problem. While these approaches can find optimal solutions for given plan leng...
Daniel Bryce, Subbarao Kambhampati, David E. Smith
The landmark cut heuristic is perhaps the strongest known polytime admissible approximation of the optimal delete relaxation heuristic h+ . Equipped with this heuristic, a best-fir...
Heuristics used by search algorithms are usually composed of more primitive functions which we call "features". A method for combining features is presented which is bas...
The search problem, ACCESSIBILITY, asks whether a finite sequence of events can be found such that, starting with a specific initial event, a particular state can be reached. This...
The paper presents the results of a study on usability methods for evaluating Web sites. lt summarizes the "Heuristics for Web Communications," and reports the practical...
Cooperative distributed problem solving (CDPS) loosely-coupledagentscan be effectively modeledas a distributed constraint satisfaction problem(DCSP) whereeach agent has multiple l...
hsp and hspr are two recent planners that search the state-space using an heuristic function extracted from Strips encodings. hsp does a forward search from the initial state reco...