The predictive hierarchical level of detail optimization algorithm of Mason and Blake is experimentally evaluated in the form of a practical application to hierarchical radiosity....
Shaun Nirenstein, Edwin H. Blake, Simon Winberg, A...
Hierarchical radiosity with clustering has positioned itself as one of the most efficient algorithms for computing global illumination in non-trivial environments. However, using...
Marc Stamminger, Hartmut Schirmacher, Philipp Slus...
Since wavelets were introduced in the radiosity algorithm5, surprisingly little research has been devoted to higher order wavelets and their use in radiosity algorithms. A previou...
In any hierarchical radiosity method, the most expensive part is the evaluation of the visibility. Many methods use sampling and ray casting to determine this term. Space partitio...
We present an approach for accelerating hierarchical radiosity by clustering objects. Previous approaches constructed effective hierarchies by subdividing surfaces, but could not ...
We introduce a new approach for the computation of viewindependent solutions to the diffuse global illumination problem in polyhedral environments. The approach combines ideas fro...
Dani Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, Donald P. Green...
Radiosity methods have been shown to be an effective means to solve the global illumination problem in Lambertian diffuse environments. These methods approximate the radiosity int...
We propose a new method for greatly accelerating the computation of complex, detailed shadows in a radiosity solution. Radiosity is computed using a "standard" hierarchi...
Abstract. An algorithm for simulating diffuse interreflection in complex three dimensional scenes is described. It combines techniques from hierarchical radiosity and multiresolut...
Andrew J. Willmott, Paul S. Heckbert, Michael Garl...
This paper presents a new hierarchical simulation algorithm allowing the calculation of radiosity solutions for time-dependent scenes where all motion is known a priori. Such solut...