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Abstract. Given a public-key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signatures, it is possible to construct broadcast protocols tolerating any number of corrupted parties. Almost all exi...
S. Dov Gordon, Jonathan Katz, Ranjit Kumaresan, Ar...
In secure multi-party computation n parties jointly evaluate an n-variate function f in the presence of an adversary which can corrupt up till t parties. All honest parties are req...
In many practical settings, participants are willing to deviate from the protocol only if they remain undetected. Aumann and Lindell introduced a concept of covert adversaries to f...
In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of parties wish to jointly compute some function of their inputs. Such a computation must preserve certain security propertie...
Boaz Barak, Ran Canetti, Yehuda Lindell, Rafael Pa...
We provide a simple protocol for secret reconstruction in any threshold secret sharing scheme, and prove that it is fair when executed with many rational parties together with a s...
Shien Jin Ong, David C. Parkes, Alon Rosen, Salil ...