
13 years 10 months ago
HTTP as the narrow waist of the future internet
Over the past decade a variety of network architectures have been proposed to address IP's limitations in terms of flexible forwarding, security, and data distribution. Meanw...
Lucian Popa 0002, Ali Ghodsi, Ion Stoica
13 years 10 months ago
CloudPolice: taking access control out of the network
Cloud computing environments impose new challenges on access control techniques due to multi-tenancy, the growing scale and dynamicity of hosts within the cloud infrastructure, an...
Lucian Popa 0002, Minlan Yu, Steven Y. Ko, Sylvia ...
13 years 10 months ago
Data center networking with multipath TCP
Recently new data center topologies have been proposed that offer higher aggregate bandwidth and location independence by creating multiple paths in the core of the network. To ef...
Costin Raiciu, Christopher Pluntke, Sébasti...
13 years 10 months ago
Next generation on-chip networks: what kind of congestion control do we need?
In this paper, we present network-on-chip (NoC) design and contrast it to traditional network design, highlighting core differences between NoCs and traditional networks. As an in...
George Nychis, Chris Fallin, Thomas Moscibroda, On...
13 years 10 months ago
DevoFlow: cost-effective flow management for high performance enterprise networks
The OpenFlow framework enables flow-level control over Ethernet switching, as well as centralized visibility of the flows in the network. OpenFlow's coupling of these feature...
Jeffrey C. Mogul, Jean Tourrilhes, Praveen Yalagan...
13 years 10 months ago
Listen (on the frequency domain) before you talk
Conventional WiFi networks perform channel contention in time domain. This is known to be wasteful because the channel is forced to remain idle, while all contending nodes are bac...
Souvik Sen, Romit Roy Choudhury, Srihari Nelakudit...
13 years 10 months ago
Putting BGP on the right path: a case for next-hop routing
Michael Schapira, Yaping Zhu, Jennifer Rexford
13 years 10 months ago
Diagnosing mobile applications in the wild
There are a lot of applications that run on modern mobile operating systems. Inevitably, some of these applications fail in the hands of users. Diagnosing a failure to identify the...
Sharad Agarwal, Ratul Mahajan, Alice Zheng, Victor...
13 years 10 months ago
Location, location, location!: modeling data proximity in the cloud
Birjodh Tiwana, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Marcos K. Agu...
13 years 10 months ago
Automatic rate adaptation
Rate adaptation is a fundamental primitive in wireless networks. Since wireless channel strength varies quickly and unpredictably, senders have to constantly measure the channel a...
Aditya Gudipati, Sachin Katti