

DevoFlow: cost-effective flow management for high performance enterprise networks

13 years 9 months ago
DevoFlow: cost-effective flow management for high performance enterprise networks
The OpenFlow framework enables flow-level control over Ethernet switching, as well as centralized visibility of the flows in the network. OpenFlow's coupling of these features comes with costs, however: the distributed-system costs of involving the OpenFlow controller on flow setups, and the switch-implementation costs of involving the switch's control plane too often. In this paper, we analyze the overheads, and we propose DevoFlow, a modification of the OpenFlow model in which we try to gently break the coupling between centralized control and centralized visibility, in a way that maintains a useful amount of visibility without imposing unnecessary costs. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.1 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Architecture and Design General Terms Design, Performance, Measurement Keywords Network, OpenFlow, Traffic Engineering, Enterprise
Jeffrey C. Mogul, Jean Tourrilhes, Praveen Yalagan
Added 17 May 2011
Updated 17 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Jeffrey C. Mogul, Jean Tourrilhes, Praveen Yalagandula, Puneet Sharma, Andrew R. Curtis, Sujata Banerjee
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