Messaging with new media should be fun, but sometimes participating in conversations can become a burden for users due to the effort required. In this paper, examples of such situ...
In this paper, we look at the application of the DiCoT methodology [4] to the analysis of a mobile healthcare setting. While the methodology includes a set of principles and theme...
This paper explores the impulsion and vibration properties of different tactile patterns (icons). These properties describe the unique movements of the pins with different values ...
Ensuring good usability can be seen as the key success factor in our whole digital world: technology must support people. In particular, Medicine and Healthcare are currently subj...
Andreas Holzinger, Harold W. Thimbleby, Russell Be...
The involvement of technology to support and enhance learning is ever increasing; for example moving from the traditional blackboard to electronic whiteboards, from printed books ...
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Charles van der Mast, Annett...
CiteULike is a collaborative tagging web site which lets users enter academic references into a database and describe these references using tags (categorizations of their own cho...
Our work aims to address the problems of designing health assistant applications that run on mobile devices. We discuss the lessons learnt through the design of a mobile applicati...
There is a lack of `explicit education' of different modes of creativity and different methodologies for initiating creative processes. This is important for not only art pra...
In this paper we describe a user-centered approach to designing and evaluating a socially interactive mobile game for the elderly. The objective of the game is to encourage the el...
Multi-touch interaction techniques are becoming more widespread because of new industrial initiatives to make this hardware available and affordable for the consumer market. To co...
Tom Cuypers, Jan Schneider, Johannes Taelman, Kris...