Important drawbacks of map-based navigation applications for mobile phones are their small screen size and that users have to associate the information provided by the mobile phon...
This study of mobile persuasion system explores the use of a mobile phone, when attached to an everyday object used by an everyday behavior, becomes a tool to sense and influence ...
In order to achieve awareness of collision during teleoperation and to support operator with valuable information (object stiffness and shape), we elaborated approaches to object ...
This paper describes a novel stretchable fingernail sensor for measuring fingertip forces for human-computer interaction. The fingernail sensor uses photoplethysmography to measur...
Jumana M. Abu-Khalaf, Jung Woo Park, Debra J. Masc...
Data-driven haptic rendering requires processing of raw recorded signals, which leads to high computational effort for large datasets. To achieve real-time performance, one possib...
Abstract. This study has created the Playful Tray that adopts Ubicomp and persuasive techniques into play-based occupational therapy for reducing poor eating behavior in young chil...
Securing interactions between devices that do not know each other a priori is an important and challenging task. We present Amigo, a technique to authenticate co-located devices us...
Alex Varshavsky, Adin Scannell, Anthony LaMarca, E...
Learning by demonstration can be a powerful and natural tool for developing robot control policies. That is, instead of tedious hand-coding, a robot may learn a control policy by ...
Human control of multiple robots has been characterized by the average demand of single robots on human attention or the distribution of demands from multiple robots. When robots ...