This paper introduces the notion of a Wearable Community as a group of wearable users who cooperate for their mutual benefit. In such a community, wearable computers act as person...
Gerd Kortuem, Jay Schneider, Jim Suruda, Stephen F...
We describe an experimental wearable augmented reality system that enables users to experience hypermedia presentations that are integrated with the actual outdoor locations to wh...
We describe the Conference Assistant, a prototype mobile, context-aware application that assists conference attendees. We discuss the strong relationship between context-awareness...
Anind K. Dey, Daniel Salber, Gregory D. Abowd, Mas...
By integrating visual media with positioning information obtained with our wearable computer, we create new opportunities for using visuals both in the field and at the workstatio...
Situated computing represents a new class of computing applications that bridges the gap between people's intentions and the actions they can take to achieve those intentions...
Anatole Gershman, Joseph F. McCarthy, Andrew E. Fa...
Communication asymmetries are inherent in collaborative dialogues between wearable computer and desktop users. This paper gives a definition and overview of what communication asy...
Mark Billinghurst, Simon Bee, Jerry Bowskill, Hiro...
This paper reports on an empirical study aimed at evaluating the utility of a reality-augmenting telepointer in a wearable videoconference system. Results show that using this tel...
Context awareness is an important functionality for wearable computers. In particular, the computer should know where the person is in the environment. This paper proposes an imag...