The goal of this research project is to investigate the use of technology in supporting social relationships by helping users throughout the decisional process (“What program cou...
Television and the Internet have proven to be a popular combination for both broadcasters and viewers. Because of this popularity they are increasingly facing the consequences of c...
Jenneke Fokker, Huib de Ridder, Piet Westendorp, J...
This paper describes a qualitative user study of mobile phone TV usage undertaken during September 2005 and centered on the real world Mobile TV usage of paying subscribers of live...
Personal robots are designed to provide entertainment, companion and communication interfaces. They can play an important role as natural, flexible and non-invasive interfaces to ...
Online social media applications have exploded in popularity in the Web. In most of these applications, users interact with other users and create content that becomes available o...
Web services have been pointed as a suitable technology for the development and execution of distributed applications. However, the Web service architecture still lacks facilities...
This article presents the most distinguishing features of the Argentinian web as found in a private sample of almost 10 million web pages from 150.000 sites collected in the early...
Gabriel Tolosa, Fernando Bordignon, Ricardo A. Bae...
We perform a statistical analysis of user’s reaction time to a new discussion thread in online debates on the popular news site Slashdot. First, we show with KolmogorovSmirnov t...
In this paper we present a novel approach for designing the interface of rich internet applications. Our approach uses ract Data Views (ADV) design model allowing expressing in a ...
Based on recent demonstrations of low-cost, infrared-based point tracking, we explore two-handed, surface-less interaction for presentation. On both hands, thumb and index finger...