Video game players often learn to map their physical actions (e.g., pressing buttons) onto their on-screen avatars' actions (e.g., wielding swords) in order to play. We explo...
Relying on naturalistic observation, via video selfdocumentaries, contextual interviews, and focus groups, we explored gender differences in the information and communication tech...
Weimin Hou, Manpreet Kaur, Anita Komlodi, Wayne G....
A tremendous amount of semi-structured data is available today on the web but is not necessarily in a form which is suitable for a user's tasks. For example, a website may sh...
In this paper, we present Fly, a prototype presentation system that adds a visual structure to presentations. Current presentation software, like PowerPoint, structure slides in a...
David Holman, Predrag Stojadinovic, Thorsten Karre...
Our childhood eating patterns strongly affect our lifelong health. Recently, type II diabetes emerged as a national health crisis in America that can be prevented almost entirely ...
Victor Hanson-Smith, Daya C. Wimalasuriya, Andrew ...