While the collection of behavioral protocols has been common practice in human-computer interaction research for many years, the analysis of large protocol data sets is often extr...
Walter C. Mankowski, Peter Bogunovich, Ali Shokouf...
This paper offers an exploration of the attitudes of older adults to keeping in touch with people who are important to them. We present findings from three focus groups with peopl...
Graphs are often visualized using node-link representations: vertices are depicted as dots, edges are depicted as (poly)lines connecting two vertices. A directed edge running from...
With an ever increasing number of mobile services, meaningful audio notifications could effectively inform users of the incoming services while minimising undesired and intrusive ...
Stavros Garzonis, Simon Jones, Tim Jay, Eamonn O'N...
Although existing work has explored both information extraction and community content creation, most research has focused on them in isolation. In contrast, we see the greatest le...
People regularly interact with different representations of Web pages. A person looking for new information may initially find a Web page represented as a short snippet rendered b...
Jaime Teevan, Edward Cutrell, Danyel Fisher, Steve...
Large general-purposed community question-answering sites are becoming popular as a new venue for generating knowledge and helping users in their information needs. In this paper ...
Despite increased knowledge about how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are used to support religious and spiritual practices, designers know little about how to ...
Susan Wyche, Kelly E. Caine, Benjamin K. Davison, ...
We discuss the problem of assessing and aiding user performance in dynamic tasks that require rapid selection among multiple information sources. Motivated by research in human se...
Bradley C. Love, Matt Jones, Marc T. Tomlinson, Mi...