In this paper, we report our findings on the impact of providing users with varying degrees of control in an automated interactive scheduling system. While automated scheduling te...
Jina Huh, Martha E. Pollack, Hadi Katebi, Karem A....
Energy feedback systems, particularly residential energy feedback systems (REFS), have emerged as a key area for HCI and interaction design. However, we argue that HCI researchers...
James Pierce, Chloe Fan, Derek Lomas, Gabriela Mar...
Street art and political activism have a rich history of shaping urban landscapes. Our work explores the processes by which public artists and political activists contribute to pu...
Near Field Communication (NFC) can facilitate mobile interaction with everyday objects, associated digital information and ubiquitous services. Despite the simplicity of the touch...
Smart electricity meters and home displays are being installed in people's homes with the assumption that households will make the necessary efforts to reduce their electrici...
Abstract. The present study examined our ability to identify the location of a single vibration delivered to the dorsal and/or volar side of the forearm near the wrist. Three parti...
Hsiang-Yu Chen, Joseph Santos, Matthew Graves, Kwa...
Abstract. In this paper, a study on the role of force feedback for teleoperation of industrial overhead crane is presented. Teleoperation of industrial crane was described and anal...
The well known property of haptic interaction is the high refresh rate of the haptic loop that is necessary for the stability of the interaction. Therefore, only simple computation...
In our previous study, a method that allows dynamic interaction with an elastic object, which is called impulse response deformation model, has been proposed. An advantage of the m...