This position paper advocates a possible bridging of multiple heterogeneous formats and interfaces for hypermedia data and metadata. Rather than one more text, bit-stream or proced...
Distributed multiuser hypermedia environments provide not only information sharing mechanisms but also user collaboration/ communication facilities. The provision of integrated vi...
This paper describes a hypermedia infrastructure, called HyperDisco, designed to address important issues such as integration, collaboration, versioning, scalability, openness, di...
In order to facilitate adaptability of hypermedia documents a distinction is often made between the underlying conceptual structure of a document and the structure of its presenta...
Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman, Jacco van Ossenbrug...
The historical development of hypermedia systems can be rized as a series of successive abstractions of functionality away from the "core" hypermedia server, often resul...
Abstract. The acceptance of UML as a de facto standard for the design of object-oriented systems, together with the explosive growth of the World Wide Web has raised the need for U...
As access to hypermedia documents becomes generally available, it becomes increasingly important to understand how casual users search for information. We have studied search patt...
This paper discusses hypermedia aspects of the design of a Virtual Project Room. Based on ethnographic and participatory design studies of landscape architects’ and architects...
Despite the fact the hypermedia has long been discussed as a suitable format for academic research publications, the academic community has made little progress toward realizing hy...
This paper argues that the existence of a developer support framework is a critical issue to the usage of Open Hypermedia Systems (OHSs). For this reason, the OHS Community would ...