Tracking speakers is an important application in smart environments. Acoustic tracking using microphone arrays is a challenging task due to two major reasons: On the one hand, mul...
Axel Plinge, Daniel Hauschildt, Marius H. Hennecke...
We identify common hypotheses on which a large number of distinct mathematical models of WLANs employing IEEE 802.11 are founded. Using data from an experimental test bed and packe...
Machine translation benefits from two types of decoding techniques: consensus decoding over multiple hypotheses under a single model and system combination over hypotheses from di...
John DeNero, Shankar Kumar, Ciprian Chelba, Franz ...
Identifying the characteristics of biological systems through physical experimentation, is restricted by the resources available, which are limited in comparison to the size of the...
Chris Lovell, Gareth Jones, Steve R. Gunn, Klaus-P...
Abstract— We present an active vision system for segmentation of visual scenes based on integration of several cues. The system serves as a visual front end for generation of obj...
Background: The data from DNA microarrays are increasingly being used in order to understand effects of different conditions, exposures or diseases on the modulation of the expres...
Reuben Thomas, Luis de la Torre, Xiaoqing Chang, S...
A representation-less model for genetic programming is presented. The model is intended to examine the mechanisms that lead to bloat in genetic programming (GP). We discuss two hyp...
We consider an optimization problem in probabilistic inference: Given n hypotheses Hj, m possible observations Ok, their conditional probabilities pk j, and a particular Ok, selec...
Ensemble learning algorithms such as boosting can achieve better performance by averaging over the predictions of some base hypotheses. Nevertheless, most existing algorithms are ...
In multiple hypotheses testing, it is important to control the probability of rejecting "true" null hypotheses. A standard procedure has been to control the family-wise ...