With the explosion of the Internet the World Wide Web today has become an infinite source of information. Hence, it is important that one be able to categorize, understand and be a...
Vishal Anand, Keith Hansen, Radu Jianu, Adrian Rus...
A fully functional web interface (NessusWeb) for the Nessus network security scanner has been developed. NessusWeb provides public accessibility for authorized users and supports ...
SOAP is an XML-based protocol that is widely used in Web services and that provides extensibility, portability, flexibility, and descriptiveness. Unfortunately, these attractive c...
Nayef Abu-Ghazaleh, Michael J. Lewis, Madhusudhan ...
The performance of a Web service is primarily dependent on the design and implementation of its SOAP toolkit. SOAP is widely implemented using HTTP as the transport protocol and X...
—With the advent of the Internet, we have entered the age of ubiquitous systems that will need to be able to communicate, establish criteria for measurement and then perform thes...
Hyper-Text Structured Query Language (HTSQL) is a standardizable middleware component that translates a HTTP request into an SQL query, performs the query against a relational dat...
- The proliferation of the impressive web technologies provides developers with a way to produce performance efficient, usable, rich and interactive web based applications. A set o...
- The rise in high speed networks has led to an increased interest in the development of grid computing frameworks; the ubiquity of the broadband Internet connection has fostered w...
Abstract XML databases, providing structural querying support, are becoming more and more popular. As we know, XML data may change over time and providing an efficient support to q...