Abstract. Asynchronous automata are parallel compositions of finitestate processes synchronizing over shared variables. A deep theorem due to Zielonka says that every regular trac...
Blaise Genest, Hugo Gimbert, Anca Muscholl, Igor W...
Graph transformation works under a whole-world assumption. In modelling realistic systems, this typically makes for large graphs and sometimes also large, hard to understand rules....
Universal Coalgebra provides the notion of a coalgebra as the natural mathematical generalization of state-based evolving systems such as (infinite) words, trees, and transition s...
We investigate the decidability and complexity of various model checking problems over one-counter automata. More specifically, we consider succinct one-counter automata, in which...
We show that the downward-closure of a Petri net language is effectively computable. This is mainly done by using the notions defined for showing decidability of the reachability...
Abstract. This paper tackles three algorithmic problems for probabilistic automata on finite words: the Emptiness Problem, the Isolation Problem and the Value 1 Problem. The Empti...
Given a positive integer n and a positive semidefinite matrix A = (Aij ) ∈ Rm×m the positive semidefinite Grothendieck problem with rank-nconstraint is (SDPn) maximize mX i=1 ...
Min Ones Constraint Satisfaction Problems, i.e., the task of finding a satisfying assignment with at most k true variables (Min Ones SAT(Γ)), can express a number of interesting ...