Abstract. Implementations of parallel dialects (or: coordination languages) on a functional base (or: computation) language always have to extend complex runtime environments by th...
We show in this paper how to evaluate the performance of skeleton-based high level parallel programs. Since many applications follow some commonly used algorithmic skeletons, we id...
Anne Benoit, Murray Cole, Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hi...
While active networks provide new solutions for the deployment of dynamic services in the network, exposing network processing resources, logistical networking focuses on exposing...
Multiparadigm approach integrates programming language paradigms. We propose Holoparadigm (Holo) as a multiparadigm model oriented to development of grid systems. Holo uses a logi...
Abstract. The reliability problem of the quickest path deals with the transmission of a message of sizeσ from a source to a destination with both the minimum end-to-end delay and ...
Our goal is to develop the capability for characterizing the three-dimensional geological structure and mechanical properties of individual sites and complete basins in earthquake-...
Volkan Akcelik, Jacobo Bielak, George Biros, Ioann...
We present a formalism that is able to cope with search and congestion simultaneously. This formalism avoids the problem of simulating the dynamics of the search-communication proc...
This work focuses on the synthesis of finite-state machines (FSMs) by observing its input/output behaviors. Evolutionary approaches that have been proposed to solve this problem do...
: Computational and data Grids couple geographically distributed resources such as high performance computers, workstations, clusters, and scientific instruments. Grid Workflows co...
David Abramson, Jagan Kommineni, John L. McGregor,...
Complex Network of Earthquakes Sumiyoshi Abe Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba Ibaraki 3058571, Japan First, a brief discussion is made about a relevance of nonextensive...