Exploiting the concepts of social networking represents a novel approach to the approximate similarity query processing. We present a metric social network where relations between...
When disseminating data involving human subjects, researchers have to weigh in the requirements of privacy of the individuals involved in the data. A model widely used for enhancin...
We study new hierarchical indexing approach to process XPATH queries. Here, a hierarchical index consists of index entries that are pairs of queries and their (full/partial) answer...
Abstract-- With fast paced growth of digital data and exploding storage management costs, enterprises are looking for new ways to effectively manage their data. One such cost-effec...
We identify and formalize a novel join operator for two spatial pointsets P and Q. The common influence join (CIJ) returns the pairs of points (p, q), p P, q Q, such that there e...
The paper proposes an extension of CFDs [1], referred to as extended Conditional Functional Dependencies (eCFDs). In contrast to CFDs, eCFDs specify patterns of semantically relate...
Preserving individual privacy when publishing data is a problem that is receiving increasing attention. According to the k-anonymity principle, each release of data must be such th...
Many new applications that involve decision making need online (i.e., OLAP-styled) preference analysis with multidimensional boolean selections. Typical preference queries includes...
This paper deals with a new type of privacy threat, called "corruption", in anonymized data publication. Specifically, an adversary is said to have corrupted some individ...
Supporting top-k queries over distributed collections of schemaless XML data poses two challenges. While XML supports expressive query languages such as XPath and XQuery, these la...