Keyword search is considered to be an effective information discovery method for both structured and semistructured data. In XML keyword search, query semantics is based on the con...
A large fraction of an XML document typically consists of text data. The XPath query language allows text search via the equal, contains, and starts-with predicates. Such predicate...
Diego Arroyuelo, Francisco Claude, Sebastian Manet...
A fundamental problem in XML query processing is tree pattern query (TPQ) matching which computes all data instances in an XML database that match an input TPQ. There is a lot of r...
In this article we propose a new hashing framework for tree-structured data. Our method maps an unordered tree into a multiset of simple wedge-shaped structures refered to as pivot...
Abstract-- We consider the Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching (TASM) problem: finding the k best matches of a small query tree, e.g., a DBLP article with 15 nodes, in a large docum...
Nikolaus Augsten, Denilson Barbosa, Michael H. B&o...
Abstract--In curated databases, annotations may contain opinions different from those in sources. Moreover, annotations may contradict each other and have uncertainty. Such situati...
An ever-increasing amount of data and semantic knowledge in the domain of life sciences is bringing about new data management challenges. In this paper we focus on adding the seman...
Abstract-- This work presents a novel index structure, MHRtree, for efficiently answering approximate string match queries in large spatial databases. The MHR-tree is based on the ...
Bin Yao, Feifei Li, Marios Hadjieleftheriou, Kun H...
Research on spatial network databases has so far considered that there is a single cost value associated with each road segment of the network. In most real-world situations, howev...
Given a positive value r, a circular range query returns the objects that lie within the distance r of the query location. In this paper, we study the circular range queries that c...
Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Ljiljana Brankovic, Xuemin ...