Abstract— Sensor networks have evolved to a powerful infrastructure component for event monitoring in many application scenarios. In addition to simple filter and aggregation op...
Daniel Klan, Katja Hose, Marcel Karnstedt, Kai-Uwe...
— Finding decompositions of a graph into a family of clusters is crucial to understanding its underlying structure. While most existing approaches focus on partitioning the nodes...
— Research on query optimization has traditionally focused on exhaustive enumeration of an exponential number of candidate plans. Alternatively, heuristics for query optimization...
— In recent years, the research community introduced various methods for processing skyline queries in multidimensional databases. The skyline operator retrieves all objects bein...
Abstract— Developing a full-fledged cost-based XQuery optimizer is a fairly complex task. Nowadays, there is little knowledge concerning suitable cost formulae and optimization ...
— Information extraction systems are traditionally implemented as a pipeline of special-purpose processing modules. A major drawback of such an approach is that whenever a new ex...
— One of the most prominent data quality problems is the existence of duplicate records. Current data cleaning systems usually produce one clean instance (repair) of the input da...
George Beskales, Mohamed A. Soliman, Ihab F. Ilyas...
Abstract— Large graph datasets are ubiquitous in many domains, including social networking and biology. Graph summarization techniques are crucial in such domains as they can ass...
— Commercial tuple extraction systems have enjoyed some success to extract tuples by regarding HTML pages as tree structures and exploiting XPath queries to find attributes of t...