We address the synchronization of a pair of video sequences captured from moving vehicles and the spatial registration of all the temporally corresponding frames. This is necessar...
Felipe Lumbreras, Ferran Diego, Joan Serrat, Jos&e...
We propose a method for reconstructing 3D face shape from a camera, which captures the object face from various viewing angles. In this method, we do not directly reconstruct the ...
In this paper, we propose novel blur and similarity transform (i.e. rotation, scaling and translation) invariant features for the recognition of objects in images. The features ar...
In this paper, we propose a technique for detecting possible events in outdoor areas monitored by a video surveillance system. In particular, here we focus on the time spent by an...
Christian Micheloni, Lauro Snidaro, Claudio Piciar...
This paper proposes a novel technique for performing fast block matching for motion estimation which is optimal, meaning it yields the same results as a full-search investigation....
Stefano Mattoccia, Federico Tombari, Luigi di Stef...
In this paper, we propose a computational scheme named an interval-based linear hybrid dynamical system (ILHDS) to represent complex dynamic events based on temporal intervals, ea...
In the past few years, 3D face modeling has gained significant attention. Reliable modeling of the face is necessary for good performance of a 3D assisted face recognition system....
In this paper, we address the relatively unexplored problem of classifying texture surfaces undergoing significant levels of non-rigid deformation. State-of-the-art texture classi...
This paper deals with the problem of segmenting a video shot into a background (still) mosaic and one or more foreground moving objects. The method is based on ego-motion compensa...
Andrea Colombari, Andrea Fusiello, Vittorio Murino
This paper presents a method to detect passengers on-board public transport vehicles with the ultimate aim of monitoring their behaviours under suspicious circumstances. The metho...