In this paper we propose multimodal fusion of super resolved texture (SRT) features and 3D shape features with acoustic features for 3D audio-video person authentication systems w...
In this paper, we present a compact hybrid video sensor that combines perspective and omnidirectional vision to achieve a 360 field of view, as well as high-resolution images. Tho...
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of textindependent writer identification methods on a handwriting dataset containing medieval English documents. Applicable identificati...
We propose a novel procedure for estimating blur in a single image corrupted by blur due to a rigid camera motion during the exposure. Often this blur is approximated as space inv...
In this paper, a novel learning algorithm for Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) has been devised. The key issue is the achievement of a sparse model, i.e., a model in which all irreleva...
Real-time histogram specification methods aims to find a continuous function that transforms a source image to match a target distribution with the highest possible degree of accu...
In particle filter?based visual trackers, dynamic velocity components are typically incorporated into the state update equations. In these cases, there is a risk that the uncertai...
Andrew D. Bagdanov, Alberto Del Bimbo, Fabrizio Di...
This paper presents a novel user interaction concept for document image scanning with mobile phones. A high resolution mosaic image is constructed in two main stages. Firstly, onl...
In this paper we explore the interlink between temporally dense view-based object recognition and sparse image representations with local keypoints. The temporal component is an a...