Image Cube Trajectory (ICT) Analysis is a new and robust method to estimate the 3D structure of a scene from a set of 2D images. For a moving camera each 3D point is represented b...
In this paper, we propose a novel technique for modelbased recognition of complex object motion trajectories using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). We build our models on Principal Com...
Faisal I. Bashir, Wei Qu, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Dan S...
We introduce a novel approach to capturing light field with lensless cameras. By moving the cameras back and forth, we capture a set of images. We show that it is possible to reco...
This paper describes a new algorithm for the recognition of human activities. These activities are modelled using banks of switched dynamical models, each of which is tailored to ...
Motivated by the fact that in images, there is usually a presence of local strongly oriented harmonics, a representation which is both well-localised in frequency and orientation ...
A method for detecting and reducing reverberation artifacts in ultrasound image sequences is described. A reverberation artifact localization map is produced using local Rf-bandwi...
Nina Eriksson Bylund, Mats T. Andersson, Hans Knut...
A new mathematical framework for modeling speckled imagery is introduced based on embedding the spatial correlation properties of speckled imagery, obtained from statistical optic...
Ousseini Lankoande, Majeed M. Hayat, Balu Santhana...
This contribution presents a method for quality enhancement of mobile received analog TV signals using line selective interpolation of field information (LSI-FI). Using combining...
Recently, a lot of research has been conducted into the usefulness of gait for identification at a distance. Since the gait of a person is readily identified when extracted from...