In this work we consider the problem of binary classification where the classifier may abstain instead of classifying each observation, leaving the critical items for human evaluat...
Abstract--Feature selection is an important challenge in machine learning. Unfortunately, most methods for automating feature selection are designed for supervised learning tasks a...
Patients undergoing thoracic radiation therapy can develop radiation pneumonitis (RP), a potentially fatal inflammation of the lungs. Support vector machines (SVMs), a statistical...
Todd W. Schiller, Yixin Chen, Issam El-Naqa, Josep...
Abstract--This paper presents a novel and domainindependent approach for graph-based structure learning. The approach is based on solving the Maximum Common SubgraphIsomorphism pro...
Chord sequences are a compact and useful description of music, representing each beat or measure in terms of a likely distribution over individual notes without specifying the not...
We propose methods to classify lines of military chat, or posts, which contain items of interest. We evaluated several current text categorization and feature selection methodologi...
This paper introduces a new algorithm, namely the EquiCorrelation Network (ECON), to perform supervised classification, and regression. ECON is a kernelized LARS-like algorithm, b...
Manuel Loth, Philippe Preux, Samuel Delepoulle, Ch...
For many ranking applications we would like to understand not only which items are top-ranked, but also why they are top-ranked. However, many of the best ranking algorithms (e.g....
Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Bert C. Huang, David L. Walt...
We describe a generative model for graph edges under specific degree distributions which admits an exact and efficient inference method for recovering the most likely structure. T...