This paper defines a concept of trust incident accounts as verbal reports of empirical episodes in which a trustor has reached a state of positive or negative expectations of a tr...
Whether they are modeling bookmarking behavior in Flickr or cascades of failure in large networks, models of diffusion often start with the assumption that a few nodes start long ...
Eric Sun, Itamar Rosenn, Cameron Marlow, Thomas M....
In spite of enormous previous efforts to model the growth of various networks, there have only been a few works that successfully describe the evolution of latent networks. In a l...
This paper contributes to the study of self-presentation in online dating systems by performing a factor analysis on the text portions of online profiles. Findings include a simil...
It has been widely recognized that online opinions constitute important informational sources for consumers and producers. The open nature of communication supported by social med...
Gephi is an open source software for graph and network analysis. It uses a 3D render engine to display large networks in real-time and to speed up the exploration. A flexible and ...
Hearing people argue opposing sides of an issue can be a useful way to understand the topic; however, these debates or conversations often don't exist. Unfortunately, generat...
Nathan D. Nichols, Lisa M. Gandy, Kristian J. Hamm...
We present a tool BlogTrackers, which assists sociologists to track and analyze blogs of particular interests by designing and integrating unique features. We present an overview ...
Nitin Agarwal, Shamanth Kumar, Huan Liu, Mark Wood...