Generative models of pattern individuality attempt to represent the distribution of observed quantitative features, e.g., by learning parameters from a database, and then use such...
In this paper, a novel data hiding technique is proposed, as an improvement over the Fibonacci LSB data-hiding technique proposed by Battisti et al. [1]. First we mathematically m...
Forensic evidence in the form of two-level hierarchical multivariate continuous data is modelled using a likelihood ratio approach. Data are available from fragments of glass and ...
Daniel Ramos, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Grzegorz...
We describe a simple modification of the so-called Weighted Stego Image (WS) steganalysis method, due to Fridrich and Goljan, to detect sequential replacement of least significa...
We model security protocols as a game tree using concepts of game semantics. The model interprets protocol specifications as strategies over a game tree that represents the type ...
In recent years, mathematical, statistical and computer science methods have found extensive application in developing new procedures for crime investigation, prosecution and the ...
As medical image databases are connected together through PACS, those medical images may suffer from security breaches if not protected. If a medical image is illegally obtained o...